Watch Online / At Piney Ridge (1916)
Desc: At Piney Ridge: Directed by William Robert Daly. With Fritzi Brunette, Al W. Filson, Leo Pierson, Edward Peil Sr.. When Cindy Lane becomes pregnant, Mark Brierson, the father, refuses to marry her. Instead, Brierson romances Azalia Deering, whose father, General Deering, owns the town bank. Brierson misuses bank funds, but the bank is saved by Jack Rose, a wealthy farmer. Cindy's father Zeb vows to kill her lover, but she refuses to reveal the man's identity. Brierson realizes that Azalia and Jack love each other, and so, to eliminate his rival, he tells Zeb that Jack is the child's father. To disgrace Jack further, Brierson convinces Dagmar, a black woman, to claim Jack as her son, but Zeb is told that Brierson is the father of Cindy's child and is also Dagmar's son. In the end, Zeb kills Brierson, who, before he dies, learns from Dagmar that although she is not his mother, he is black. Jack marries Azalia, and Cindy, whose child has died, goes back to the man she loved before Brierson.